Складной нож Zero Tolerance Sinkevich | Ladder Damascus

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Артикул: ZT-0450CFDAMS
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Zero Tolerance Sinkevich | Ladder Damascus

Blade: Stunning Vegas Forge damascus blade with drop point profile
Handle: Unique multi-marbled red/orange carbon fiber and titanium with red standoffs
Operation: Integral blade flipper tab combines with KVT ball bearings pivot for smooth action
Lock: Reliable and easy to use titanium frame lock with steel insert and over travel protection
Carry: Reversible tip up stainless steel pocket clip for right or left hand carry

Теги: Zero Tolerance
  • Марка:Zero Tolerance
    Дизайнер:Dmitry Sinkevich
    Рукоять:Multi-marbled red/orange carbon fiber and titanium
    Длина общая:18.8 см
    Длина клинка:8.25 см
    Вес:108 г
    Страна изготовления:USA
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Складной нож Zero Tolerance Sinkevich | Ladder Damascus