Нож TOPS Moccasin Ranger 88

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In an article appearing in the "Sportsman's Gazette" July 2002, the article stated:

"One of the most cherished personal effects a soldier will have is a high quality, custom or semi custom knife. TOPS of Idaho Falls have become extremely popular with those rough men who allow us all to sleep soundly".

TOPS' models are currently deployed with U.S. forces around the globe. This knife was named in honor of the famed Cherokee Moccasin Rangers of World War II. The design, strength, and performance of this knife has made it a popular choice among hard-core individuals for many years. This is proven reliability.

For The Men That Cannot Quit...

Теги: TOPS knives
  • Марка:TOPS
    Сталь:1095 Carbon steel
    Покрытие / отделка клинка:Traction Coating
    Закалка стали:HRC 56-58
    Длина общая:298 мм
    Длина клинка:165 мм
    Толщина клинка:6.5 мм
    Вес:434 г
    Страна изготовления:USA
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Нож TOPS Moccasin Ranger 88