Складной нож Rike Knives Alien 2 Linerlock Gray

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Rike Knives Alien 2 Linerlock Gray

5.38" (13.67cm) closed. 3.25" (8.26cm) satin finish Bohler N690 stainless blade. Gray titanium handle. Thumb pull. Bottle opener. Extended tang. Lanyard hole. Pocket clip. Finger ring. Black nylon zippered storage case.

Теги: Rike Knives
  • Марка:Rike Knives
    Сталь:Bohler N690
    Длина клинка:83 мм
    Длина рукояти:137 мм
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Складной нож Rike Knives Alien 2 Linerlock Gray