Складной нож CRKT Provoke Grivory, Red

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Артикул: CR4041R
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CRKT Provoke Grivory, Red

In this version, the pocket knife is equipped with particularly light handle scales made of red Grivory and a biting Hawkbill blade made of 4116. The ring at the end of the handle, typical of a karambit, can also be used as a lanyard hole.The Provoke Grivory is based on a traditional design and conceals a modern secret. The pioneering Kinematic mechanism for opening and closing the knife moves the blade and handle via a parallelogram for intuitive use as well as compact and safe transportation.

Теги: CRKT
  • Марка:CRKT
    Длина общая:18.2 см
    Длина клинка:6.2 см
    Толщина клинка:5.2 мм
    Вес:133 г
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Складной нож CRKT Provoke Grivory, Red