Складной нож Extrema Ratio BF2V Linerlock w/Marlin Spike

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Артикул: EX-135BF2V
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Extrema Ratio BF2V Linerlock w/Marlin Spike

Marlin spike is located on the tang end of handle. Reversible matte finish stainless pocket clip. Plastic spiral design lanyard with quick release belt attachment. The length and flexibility of the lanyard allows you to work with the tool in the maximum operating area which a shorter lanyard would not allow.

4 3/4" closed. 2 1/2" matte finish Bohler N690 stainless tanto blade with dual thumb studs. Textured gray anticorodal anodized aluminum handles with machined slot cutouts.

Теги: Extrema Ratio
  • Марка:Extrema Ratio
    Сталь:Bohler N690
    Механизм открытия:Pocket clip
    Рукоять:Textured gray anticorodal anodized aluminum
    Длина общая:11 см
    Длина клинка:5.35 см
    Вес:272 г
    Страна изготовления:Italy
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Складной нож Extrema Ratio BF2V Linerlock w/Marlin Spike