Складной нож CIVIVI Biophase Nitro-V Black, Aluminum G10, Green

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Артикул: CIVC23083-C2
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Civivi Biophase Button Lock OD

The CIVIVI Biophase embodies this contradiction as a pocket knife with a special flair that is absolutely suitable for everyday use. The openings on the ball-bearing Nitro-V blade with black stonewash finish and the aluminum handle with dark green G10 handle scales are striking, combining functionality with aesthetics and a low weight.The folder is opened using the flipper and locked using the intuitive button lock.Avant-garde in its purest form. Futuristic lines alternate with nothingness.

  • Марка:CIVIVI
    Фиксация клинка:Button Lock
    Длина общая:20.7 см
    Длина клинка:8.9 см
    Толщина клинка:3 мм
    Вес:75 г
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Складной нож CIVIVI Biophase Nitro-V Black, Aluminum G10, Green