Нож SOG Super SOG Bowie

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Артикул: 02-SG026
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SOG Super SOG Bowie

The spectacular grinding lines with the characteristic pronounced ricassociation, the black titanium nitride-coated blade and handles as well as the handle made of pressed leather rings make up the unmistakable charm of this classic military knife. Supplied with black leather sheath with grindstone and presentation box.The classic Vietnam Bowie from SOG is presented here in a particularly impressive version.

Теги: SOG
  • Марка:SOG
    Длина общая:32.7 см
    Длина клинка:19.1 см
    Толщина клинка:6.4 мм
    Вес:494 г
    Страна изготовления:Taiwan
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Нож SOG Super SOG Bowie