Складной нож CRKT Pilar Large Black

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CRKT Pilar Large Black
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Артикул: 01CR5315KS
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With the Pilar Jesper Voxnaes with CRKT has recently implemented an extremely popular design in series. With the Pilar Large, there is now also an even handier version to choose from, which still scores with its compactness, but is nevertheless also suitable for heavier use. The stainless steel handle with frame lock and the flipper-opening blade made of 8Cr13MoV have a smoky stonewash finish and make the Pilar Large a robust companion suitable for everyday use.

  • Марка:CRKT
    Дизайнер:Jesper Voxnaes
    Рукоять:Stainless steel
    Длина общая:17 см
    Длина клинка:6.8 см
    Вес:119 г
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Складной нож CRKT Pilar Large Black