Складной нож CRKT Obverse Titanium CF

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CRKT Obverse Titanium CF folding knife

Alan Folts manages the balancing act between aesthetics and functionality with the CRKT Obverse. The elegant pocket knife is equipped with a sheepfoot blade made of M390, which opens with a thumb stud and locks with the solid liner lock. The handle is a real eye-catcher, with carbon handle scales and blue anodized titanium bolsters. The dazzling color scheme is continued in the pocket clip (tip-up/r) and the backspacer, both made of titanium. A statement for style-conscious knife fans.

Теги: CRKT
  • Марка:CRKT
    Дизайнер:Alan Folts
    Рукоять:Anodized titanium
    Длина общая:20 см
    Длина клинка:8.5 см
    Вес:96 г
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Складной нож CRKT Obverse Titanium CF