Складной нож WE Knife Envisage Titanium Grey Stonewashed

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Артикул: WE-220131
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We Envisage Framelock SW

The pocket knife is opened by a thumb stud, while the frame lock reliably secures the bulbous, ball-bearing blade made of powder metallurgy CPM-20CV. The gray titanium handle with its stonewash finish promises a firm grip. Weight-reducing recesses and a typical Karambit ring at the end of the handle increase carrying comfort and facilitate handling.The WE Knife Envisage takes preferentially daily cutting work in the target. Geoff Blauvelt from Tuffknives combines EDC-proven elements with tactical finesse.

Теги: We Knife
  • Марка:We Knife
    Механизм открытия:Pocket clip
    Длина общая:18.2 см
    Длина клинка:6.1 см
    Толщина клинка:3.2 мм
    Вес:111 г
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Складной нож WE Knife Envisage Titanium Grey Stonewashed