Нож выживания TOPS Alaskan Harpoon 906

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For the past 8 years this knife has been in constant demand by soldiers, campers, survivalists, and plain ol' outdoor enthusiasts. Alaska, the last frontier, is a huge and rugged state with wildlife galore and an incredible landscape. This knife was named as such and since it looks similar to a harpoon.

Dan Schechtman, noted author and survival guru, wrote in the Jan. 09 issue of Tactical Knives in his survival column about Ed Arnold, a well-known skilled practitioner of survival skills, "He is either practicing his skills or working out. This guy knows his stuff. Ed is a serious knife buff and has an arsenal of quality-edged tools. When it is time to get up and go, he packs TOPS Alaskan Harpoon.

Теги: TOPS knives
  • Марка:TOPS
    Сталь:1095 carbon steel
    Покрытие / отделка клинка:Traction Coating
    Длина общая:305 мм
    Длина клинка:171 мм
    Толщина клинка:6 мм
    Вес:431 г
    Страна изготовления:USA
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Нож выживания TOPS Alaskan Harpoon 906