Taschenmesser Kizer Tomb Nitro-V Black Stonewash | Mkuruti Wood

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SKU: 01-KI504
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €98,01
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Kizer Tomb Nitro-V Black Stonewash | Mkuruti Wood

From now on, unruly cutting work will be laid to rest with the Kizer Tomb. This is no coincidence, as the shape of the Mkuruti wood handle is based on that of a coffin and the internal liners have recesses that resemble the bones of a skeleton. Designer Bradley Diaz has also equipped the pocket knife with a Nitro-V blade in a black stonewash finish, which opens with a front flipper and locks with a button lock.

  • Marke:Kizer Cutlery
    Designer:Bradley Diaz
    Klingenarretierung:Button Lock
    Öffnungsmechanismus:Pocket clip
    Griff:Mkuruti wood
    Gesamtlänge:19.4 cm
    Klingenlänge:8.2 cm
    Klingenstärke:2.8 mm
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Taschenmesser Kizer Tomb Nitro-V Black Stonewash | Mkuruti Wood