Складной нож CIVIVI Biophase Damascus, Gray Aluminum G10, Black

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Civivi Biophase Button Lock CF, Damascus

The CIVIVI Biophase embodies this contradiction as a pocket knife with a special flair that is absolutely suitable for everyday use.Avant-garde in its purest form. Futuristic lines alternate with nothingness.The openings on the Damascus blade with ball bearings and the aluminum handle with black G10 handle scales are striking, combining functionality with aesthetics and a low weight. The folder is opened using the flipper and locked using the intuitive button lock.

  • Марка:CIVIVI
    Фиксация клинка:Button Lock
    Длина общая:20.7 см
    Длина клинка:8.9 см
    Толщина клинка:3 мм
    Вес:75 г
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Складной нож CIVIVI Biophase Damascus, Gray Aluminum G10, Black