Cuchillo Böker Plus Ocelot folding knife 01BO757

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Böker Plus Ocelot 01BO757

The Israeli knife designer and engineer Boris Manasherov has a finely honed sense for ergonomics and practical design, which is evident in all of his creations. Although the Boker Plus Ocelot is not your average utility knife, it is still an impressive testament to the skill of the designer. Handling this knife is a unique experience thanks to its ideal grip with a ring on the butt, the curved blade with its opening hook and its perfectly contoured G10 scales. The solid stainless liners with linerlock and the D2 blade on ball bearings are among this pocketknife's distinguishing features. The solidly black Ocelot with a hawkbill blade opened via thumb or flipper is perfect for pull and chop cuts. With a repositionable clip (tip-up/l-r).

  • Marca:Böker Plus
    Diseñador:Boris Manasherov
    Tratamiento/Acabado de la hoja:Black, non-reflective
    Mecanismo de bloqueo:Liner Lock
    Mecanismo de apertura:Flipper
    Longitud total:190 mm
    Long. de la hoja:70 mm
    Longitud cerrada:135 mm
    Grosor de la hoja:3.6 mm
    Peso:182 g
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Cuchillo Böker Plus Ocelot folding knife 01BO757