MKM Knives Timavo carbon fiber MKVP02-C reviews HomeFolding KnivesMKM Knives Timavo carbon fiber MKVP02-C Buy MKM Knives Timavo carbon fiber MKVP02-CAdd to favorites MKM Knives Timavo carbon fiber MKVP02-C is now in your favorite list See favoritesAdd to comparison MKM Knives Timavo carbon fiber MKVP02-C is now in your comparison list Start compareTrustpilotSKU: MKVP02-C Only 1 left in stock€169EU Price with TAX 21% = €204.49Add to cart MKM Knives Timavo carbon fiber MKVP02-C is now in your shopping cart CartProceed to checkout → ✔ Free shipping To add a review please sign up or login