Medford Sherman PVD Coated folding knife reviews HomeFolding KnivesMedford Sherman PVD Coated folding knife Buy Medford Sherman PVD Coated folding knifeAdd to favorites Medford Sherman PVD Coated folding knife is now in your favorite list See favoritesAdd to comparison Medford Sherman PVD Coated folding knife is now in your comparison list Start compareTrustpilotSKU: MD36DP30PVThis product is not available for purchase€640EU Price with TAX 21% = €774.40Out of stock Medford Sherman PVD Coated folding knife is now in your shopping cart CartProceed to checkout → Notify on arrival Notify when goods arrive Your request has been accepted! You will receive a notification of the receipt of goods on sale to the contacts you specified E-Mail - reqiured Проверка... ✔ Free shipping To add a review please sign up or login