Messer TOPS Sky Marshall SKY01

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Buy Messer TOPS Sky Marshall SKY01
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €228,69
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The cutting edge features three deep serrated cutting surfaces at its base which, combined with its razor sharp, dual grind, Tanto blade give it excellent cutting capabilities.

The handle is configured to allow for a very secure grip. I found that the traction I could attain when gripping the knife in a standard hammer type grip was absolutely outstanding. Once you get this knife in your hand it is, for the most part, there to stay.

  • Marke:TOPS
    Klinge:1095 carbon steel
    Klingenbeschichtung/ -oberfläche:Traction Coating
    Klingenhärte:HRC 56-58
    Gesamtlänge:241 mm
    Klingenlänge:111 mm
    Klingenstärke:6 mm
    Gewicht:330 g
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Messer TOPS Sky Marshall SKY01