Messer TOPS Felony Stop FELS01

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EU Price with TAX 21% = €192,39
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This knife feels like its design. Smooth, sharp, and aggressive, with a good flow starting with the draw and a multi-position sheath setup. The designer has put talent and street smarts into its development.

Laci Szabo's background includes prior U.S. Marine Corps, SWAT Team active duty Police Officer, Thai Boxing, American Kempo, Kali, and American Knife fighting. Laci Szabo is also a Bowie knife instructor certified under Mr. James Keating.

  • Marke:TOPS
    Klinge:1095 carbon steel
    Gesamtlänge:183 mm
    Klingenlänge:89 mm
    Klingenstärke:5 mm
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Messer TOPS Felony Stop FELS01