Messer TOPS Cockpit Commander knife CC2002

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Buy Messer TOPS Cockpit Commander knife CC2002
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   Spezielle Bestellung. Lieferzeit 7 - 14 Werktage
EU Price with TAX 21% = €156,09
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This specialty knife has all the earmarks of a knife that cannot easily slip out from your hand. The finger hole keeps the knife in your hand and allows for comfortable deployment and use. The sharpened upper edge gives the user extra cutting options and also allows for deeper penetration. This knife has also become a favorite for lawmen.

  • Marke:TOPS
    Klinge:1095 carbon steel
    Klingenbeschichtung/ -oberfläche:Traction Coating
    Klingenhärte:HRC 56-58
    Gesamtlänge:168 mm
    Klingenlänge:64 mm
    Klingenstärke:4.9 mm
    Gewicht:152 g
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Messer TOPS Cockpit Commander knife CC2002