Halsmesser TOPS Baghdad Box Cutter BBC01

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Buy Halsmesser TOPS Baghdad Box Cutter BBC01
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   Spezielle Bestellung. Lieferzeit 7 - 14 Werktage
EU Price with TAX 21% = €119,79
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This is a remarkably strong, small EDC tool. It has a solid 1/4" thick body, which has been shaped and skeletonized to reduce weight and improve efficiency. Guys in Iraq and Afghanistan have been wearing them on their belts, vests, and in their pockets. Always available and a very reliable quick fix.

  • Marke:TOPS
    Klinge:1095 carbon steel
    Klingenbeschichtung/ -oberfläche:Traction Coating
    Gesamtlänge:123 mm
    Klingenlänge:57 mm
    Klingenstärke:6 mm
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Halsmesser TOPS Baghdad Box Cutter BBC01