Taschenmesser Extrema Ratio Ferrum Rescue Linerlock Red

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Extrema Ratio Ferrum Rescue Linerlock Red

Red anodized aluminum handle. Extended tang. Glass breaker. Pocket clip. The first and main blade is 3mm thick. It is designed for heavy use and to prevent the edges of the other two blades from wearing prematurely. Its serration allows it to cut bigger ropes or textiles, whereas the plain edge acts as a proper knife. The second blade is a scalpel, which can be used to make extremely clear cuts and perform emergency actions. The third and the smallest, located on the back of the main blade, is a lanyard cutter that can also be employed to cut aramid paracords. Boxed.4.5" (11.43cm) closed. 2.25" (5.72cm) satin finish Bohler N690 stainless blade.

  • Marke:Extrema Ratio
    Designer:Andrea Micheli
    Klinge:Bohler N690
    Klingenarretierung:Liner Lock
    Griff:Red anodized aluminum
    Gesamtlänge:188 cm
    Klingenlänge:75 cm
    Klingenstärke:3 mm
    Gewicht:85 g
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Taschenmesser Extrema Ratio Ferrum Rescue Linerlock Red