Нож Zero Tolerance ZT-6

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Артикул: 02-ZT001
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Zero Tolerance ZT-6

Whether for extended bushcraft excursions or everyday life: The military-style ZT-6 cuts a fine figure everywhere. Based on the original ZT-9, this smaller variant is also equipped with full tang, but offers even more flexibility. The blade is made from powder metallurgy CPM-3V and has a Cerakote coating, making it ideal for the next outdoor adventure. The olive green G10 handle offers a comfortable grip even under difficult conditions. Supplied with high quality Kydex sheath.

Теги: Zero Tolerance
  • Марка:Zero Tolerance
    Длина общая:27.2 см
    Длина клинка:15.2 см
    Толщина клинка:4.8 мм
    Вес:292 г
    Страна изготовления:USA
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Нож Zero Tolerance ZT-6