Нож Zero Tolerance 0006BLK

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Артикул: 02-ZT002
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Zero Tolerance 0006BLK

Paying homage to the original ZT-9, the tactical knife comes with a convenient Kydex sheath and the namesake 6-inch blade made from powder metallurgical CPM 3V, a tough tool steel that sees even the toughest jobs as a comfort zone. The ergonomic, rounded profile is balanced in the hand and the black G10 handle offers a comfortable grip.

Теги: Zero Tolerance
  • Марка:Zero Tolerance
    Длина общая:27.2 см
    Длина клинка:15.2 см
    Вес:292 г
    Страна изготовления:USA
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Нож Zero Tolerance 0006BLK