Складной нож Spyderco Roadie XL | Black FRN

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Spyderco Roadie XL | Black FRN

When the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) briefly considered allowing knives to be carried on airplanes again, Spyderco designed the Roadie to meet their guidelines. The full-sized Roadie XL version offers all the signature features of its smaller counterpart - including a non-locking “notched-joint” mechanism, a textured index finger choil and contoured, injection-molded FRN handle scales. The fully flat ground sheepfoot-style blade is made of M398 stainless steel and features the distinctive Double Dent mechanism - a pair of symmetrical indentations in the blade that provide a firm grip for one-handed opening. The Roadie XL is not only larger, but also features a wire clip that allows it to be carried comfortably in a pocket.

Теги: Spyderco
  • Марка:Spyderco
    Фиксация клинка:Slipjoint
    Длина общая:16.5 см
    Длина клинка:7 см
    Толщина клинка:2.8 мм
    Вес:43 г
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Складной нож Spyderco Roadie XL | Black FRN