Складной нож Spyderco Persistence C136GP

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The Spyderco Persistence is the smaller version of the Tenacious Model. Skeletonized steel liners tucked inside the handle, increase the handle's rigidity and strength level without adding non-functional weight or bulkiness. The 8Cr13MoV stainless blade is a modified skinning-style, ground-flat. Careful positioning of the oversized Spyderco Round Hole, relative to the location of the pivot, pre-set the hand in just the right spot for fumble-free one-hand blade open/close.

Fully sharpened edge from tip to tang generates the most cutting edges possible for the blade's length. A 4-way pocket clip lets the folder set tip-up/tip-down left-hand/right-hand. Walker Linerlock has a jimped liner. Screw together construction.

Теги: Spyderco
  • Марка:Spyderco
    Фиксация клинка:Liner Lock
    Механизм открытия:Отверстие
    Длина общая:173 мм
    Длина клинка:70 мм
    Длина рукояти:105 мм
    Толщина клинка:3.2 мм
    Вес:94 г
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Складной нож Spyderco Persistence C136GP