Складной нож Spyderco Honeybee | G10 Red

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Spyderco Honeybee | G10 Red

Spyderco's micro-sized slipjoint pocket knives have always been the object of desire. Despite their tiny dimensions, they are fully functional, impressively sharp and much easier to open than knives with a classic nail nick thanks to the brand-typical round hole in the blade. Traditionally, the Honeybee is made with stainless steel handles, but now the model is also available with red G10 scales with a non-slip peel-ply texture. With flat-ground 12C27 blade and lanyard hole.

Теги: Spyderco
  • Марка:Spyderco
    Сталь:Satin finish 12C27 Sandvik stainless
    Фиксация клинка:Slipjoint
    Рукоять:Red G10
    Длина общая:9.4 см
    Длина клинка:4.3 см
    Толщина клинка:1.8 мм
    Вес:10 г
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Складной нож Spyderco Honeybee | G10 Red