Складной нож Spyderco Edgerati | Black Aluminum | Black Blade

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Spyderco Edgerati | Black Aluminum | Black Blade

The Edgerati is the brainchild of Spyderco co-founder Sal Glesser, who turned his passion for racing cars into a remarkable knife design. It is characterized by the geometric handle with openings, which was largely inspired by the tubular frame of the legendary Maserati Tipo 61. In keeping with this, the Edgerati's black handle scales have been carefully milled from solid aircraft aluminum and hard anodized to create an exceptional blend of strength, light weight, non-slip texture and unmistakable style. The skeletal structure of the handle makes the compression lock for locking the blade easily recognizable. The flat ground blade of the pocket knife opens via the thumb hole and is made of CPM-S-30V stainless steel, which has a high edge retention

Теги: Spyderco
  • Марка:Spyderco
    Фиксация клинка:Compression Lock
    Длина общая:20.9 см
    Длина клинка:9.1 см
    Толщина клинка:3.7 мм
    Вес:94 г
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Складной нож Spyderco Edgerati | Black Aluminum | Black Blade