Складной нож Kershaw Leek Aluminum | USA Flag

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Kershaw Leek Aluminum | USA Flag

Stars and Stripes within reach! In this special version of the Kershaw Leek, the aluminum handle of the assisted opener is in the colors of the US flag. The 14C28N blade opens spring-assisted via the flipper and locks via the liner lock. An ideal everyday knife. With lanyard hole and reversible clip (r). Made in the USA.

Теги: Kershaw
  • Марка:Kershaw
    Фиксация клинка:Liner Lock
    Механизм открытия:Pocket clip
    Длина общая:17.9 см
    Длина клинка:7.6 см
    Вес:74 г
    Страна изготовления:USA
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Складной нож Kershaw Leek Aluminum | USA Flag