Складной нож CRKT Walker | Blade Lock

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Артикул: 01-CR4200
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CRKT Walker | Blade Lock

The pocket knife has a positive locking system that locks the blade in the open and closed position. The mechanism works with a spring-loaded tab behind the thumb stud on the blade. To open or close the knife, you press the thumb stud and slide the blade forward or backward to lock it. With a sheepfoot blade made of 14C28N steel and a stainless steel handle covered with hard-wearing G10 scales, the Walker Blade Lock exudes a charm that no knife fan can resist.

Теги: CRKT
  • Марка:CRKT
    Фиксация клинка:Locking Saftey
    Механизм открытия:Pocket clip
    Длина общая:15.1 см
    Длина клинка:7.4 см
    Толщина клинка:3 мм
    Вес:145 г
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Складной нож CRKT Walker | Blade Lock