Складной нож CRKT Viento | G10 Black

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Артикул: 01-CR7135
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CRKT Viento | G10 Black

The Viento is named after the Spanish word for wind, a name inspired by the curved D2 blade, which elegantly forms a visual and functional unit with the curved G10 handle with stainless steel bolsters. The ball-bearing blade can be opened using either the flipper or the elongated nail nick, while the flipper reliably locks the blade in place. The backspacer can be repositioned so that the lanyard hole is exposed and allows an alternative carrying method in addition to the tip-up (r) clip.

Теги: CRKT
  • Марка:CRKT
    Фиксация клинка:Liner Lock
    Длина общая:18.9 см
    Длина клинка:8.2 см
    Вес:125 г
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Складной нож CRKT Viento | G10 Black