Складной нож CRKT Provoke | Aluminum Green

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Артикул: 01-CR4040BG
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CRKT Provoke | Aluminum Green

Joe Caswell once pulled off a coup with the CRKT Provoke, as the mechanism known as the Kinematic is unlike any other pocket knife. The Hawkbill blade, which is mounted on two movable arms, does not rotate around an axis in the classic way, but is swung out parallel to the handle and locked. The karambit is unlocked again using the lever embedded in the handle. Operation is so uncomplicated and intuitive that safe and fast handling is always guaranteed. In this version, the handle elements are made of green aluminum, whose color concept is seamlessly matched by the Cerakote finish of the D2 blade. The round clip is not bulky when the knife is in use, but can be released from its parking position with light finger pressure to put the knife away. The unique concept of the Provoke clearly proves that fundamental innovations are still possible in the field of folding knives.

Теги: CRKT
  • Марка:CRKT
    Длина общая:18.4 см
    Длина клинка:6.1 см
    Толщина клинка:5 мм
    Вес:145 г
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Складной нож CRKT Provoke | Aluminum Green