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Артикул: CS97KPM-18S
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Cold Steel Kopis Machete

The Kopis Machete is modeled closely on an ancient sword design that was held in high esteem by the Greeks, Romans, and Spaniards. The uniquely shaped blade had the weight forward balance that was optimal for cutting and chopping, yet it retained a sharp useful point for thrusting as well. This machete is equipped with a traditional semi-D ring guard reinforced throughout by the steel tang. Black nylon belt sheath. Hang packaged.26" (66.04cm) overall. 19" (48.26cm) black matte finish 1055HC steel blade. Black polypropylene handle.

Теги: Cold Steel
  • Марка:Cold Steel
    Рукоять:Black polypropylene
    Оболочка:Black nylon
    Длина общая:66.04 см
    Длина клинка:48.26 см
    Вес:680 г
    Страна изготовления:Taiwan
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Нож Мачете Cold Steel Kopis Machete