Складной нож Böker Plus Cheus

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Böker Plus Cheus

Alexey Ponomarev from Brutalica makes the decision for the knife of choice easier with the massive Boker Plus Cheus. With a silhouette reminiscent of a tactical dagger, the pocket-knife is impressively dynamic. Ball bearings, single-sided grind, stonewash finish or weight-reducing openings in the hollow groove - the symmetrical Spearpoint blade made of VG10 impresses with sharpness in every respect. When open, the flipper disappears completely into the handle for a tidy look. The ergonomic handle scales made from non-slip G10 have additional jimpings on the top and bottom and guarantee a secure grip, while the central recess in the handle echoes the hollow groove of the blade. The linerlock, which locks the blade firmly in place, is beautifully integrated - so even the toughest cutting jobs have no other choice.

Теги: Böker Plus
  • Марка:Böker Plus
    Дизайнер:Alexey Ponomarev
    Фиксация клинка:Liner Lock
    Длина общая:20.3 см
    Длина клинка:9 см
    Толщина клинка:3.5 мм
    Вес:112 г
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Складной нож Böker Plus Cheus