Cuchillo Cuchillo plegable | Navajas Böker Plus Masada Folder 01BO762

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Böker Plus Masada Folder 01BO762

In Boris Manasherov, we have a designer on our team whose designs skillfully combine uncompromising practicality with a unique and always striking appearance. The Boker Plus Masada is certainly no exception, since its flowing lines and handle shape merge perfect ergonomics with am extremely dynamic look. The slightly harpoon-shaped D2 blade has ball bearings and opens with a flipper. Contoured G10 scales and solid steel plates in combination with the spacer integrating a striker and the lanyard hole create a sturdy handle with a secure grip. The recurve grind maximizes effectiveness, especially with pulled cuts. Blade with a stonewash finish.

  • Marca:Böker Plus
    Diseñador:Boris Manasherov
    Mecanismo de bloqueo:Liner Lock
    Mecanismo de apertura:Disk, both sided
    Longitud total:225 mm
    Long. de la hoja:93 mm
    Longitud cerrada:130 mm
    Grosor de la hoja:3.5 mm
    Peso:165 g
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Cuchillo Cuchillo plegable | Navajas Böker Plus Masada Folder 01BO762