Taschenmesser WE Solid Titanium Black Etching Pattern

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SKU: 01-WE1059
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €446,49
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WE Knife Solid Titanium Black Etching Pattern

WE Knifes Solid is more than just a rock in the EDC fire. Rather, it breaks with provocative lines of the conventional notion of pocket knives. Gustavo Cecchini created a frame lock folder with a unique character that is given expression - and impression - with an etched pattern on the blade and handle. The multi-split blade of the all-black knife is made of powder metallurgy CPM-20CV and combines the design of a Sheepfoot blade with that of a Harpoon blade. The titanium handle continues the angular, separated design, which also provides a secure grip. Solid is opened with the discreet front flipper, while gold anodized screws accentuate the folding knife. With tip-up clip

Tags: We Knife
  • Marke:We Knife
    Klingenarretierung:Frame Lock
    Gesamtlänge:22.8 cm
    Klingenlänge:9.9 cm
    Klingenstärke:4 mm
    Gewicht:164 g
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Taschenmesser WE Solid Titanium Black Etching Pattern