Taschenmesser Spyderco Sage 6 | CPM-S90V | CF Button Compression Lock | Sprint Run

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Buy Taschenmesser Spyderco Sage 6 | CPM-S90V | CF Button Compression Lock | Sprint Run
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SKU: 01-SP1357
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €301,29
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Spyderco Sage 6 | CPM-S90V | CF Button Compression Lock | Sprint Run

Spyderco's remarkable Sage series is designed to showcase various folding knife locking mechanisms and the influential designers who invented or popularized them. The sixth member of this series highlights the Button-Release Compression Lock mechanism developed by knifemaker Kevin Smock. This novel variation of Spyderco's high-strength Compression Lock features a convenient button on the front of the handle. This function makes unlocking the blade even easier and more intuitive. The blade of this Sprint Run version is made of CPM S-90V stainless steel, while the textured handle features carbon fiber scales. With convertible wire clip (tip-up).

Tags: Spyderco
  • Marke:Spyderco
    Klingenarretierung:Compression Lock
    Öffnungsmechanismus:Pocket clip
    Gesamtlänge:18.1 cm
    Klingenlänge:6.7 cm
    Klingenstärke:3 mm
    Gewicht:88 g
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Taschenmesser Spyderco Sage 6 | CPM-S90V | CF Button Compression Lock | Sprint Run