Isham Bladeworks Blackstar V2 Slip folding knife Timascus Inlay

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Buy Isham Bladeworks Blackstar V2 Slip folding knife Timascus Inlay
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SKU: IS003
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €399,30
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The Isham Blackstar V2 Timascus is an Elijah Isham design with a slip joint, non-locking mechanism meaning this handsome beautifully constructed folder.

This version features Timascus scales inserted into the titanium handle along with a titanium pocket clip. No expense has been spared on the blade either. It is CPM 20CV one of the best, toughest and most up to date steels available.

This stunning knife will fit very nicely into any EDC knife rotation.

  • Marke:Isham Bladeworks
    Designer:Elijah Isham
    Klinge:CPM 20CV
    Klingenform:Clip point
    Klingenbeschichtung/ -oberfläche:Satin
    Klingenarretierung:Slip joint
    Gesamtlänge:142.8 mm
    Klingenlänge:69 mm
    Länge geschl:79.5 mm
    Klingenstärke:3 mm
    Gewicht:54 g
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Isham Bladeworks Blackstar V2 Slip folding knife Timascus Inlay