Taschenmesser Fox Knives East Wood Tiger Ziricote

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SKU: FX-1072
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €175,45
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Fox Eastwood Tiger Linerlock ZW

The pocket knife is tame, however, with its ergonomic and textured handle made of Ziricote wood, which tames the blade with the liner lock.The robust Fox Eastwood Tiger shows its teeth to everyday cutting tasks and slays its prey with its claw made of powder metallurgical CPM-S-90VN.

Tags: Fox Knives
  • Marke:Fox
    Klingenarretierung:Liner Lock
    Griff:Ziricote wood
    Gesamtlänge:22.7 cm
    Klingenlänge:9.5 cm
    Klingenstärke:4 mm
    Gewicht:152 g
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Taschenmesser Fox Knives East Wood Tiger Ziricote