Taschenmesser CRKT NIRK Tighe II Green

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SKU: 01-CR5241
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €119,79
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CRKT NIRK Tighe II Green

Brian Tighe provokes with the avant-garde design of the CRKT NIRK Tighe II and turns the knife world upside down. The numerous recesses on the ball-bearing 8Cr14Mov blade and the handle reduce the weight without sacrificing functionality. The knife opens either by flipper or thumb hole and is locked with the patented Klecker Lock. The green colour accents on the ergonomic stainless steel handle underline the modern claim of the knife and ensure an unmistakable look

Tags: CRKT
  • Marke:CRKT
    Designer:Brian Tighe
    Klingenarretierung:Klecker Lock
    Öffnungsmechanismus:Pocket clip
    Gesamtlänge:18.9 cm
    Klingenlänge:8.1 cm
    Klingenstärke:2.8 mm
    Gewicht:91 g
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Taschenmesser CRKT NIRK Tighe II Green