Taschenmesser Case Cutlery Smooth Candy Corn Kirinite | Medium Stockman

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SKU: CA-53753
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €119,79
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Case Cutlery Medium Stockman Candy Corn Kirinite

Our new Candy Corn Kirinite knives are just as fun to carry with you as they are to share with others. Each handle features bright, random hues of orange, yellow and white, made to look like that favorite candy treat we celebrate each fall season. And since they're made with of one of the toughest handle materials for everyday use, you can count on these knives for years of dependable performance. Stockman's pack three blades in a convenient but very practical pocket knife. The Clip and Sheepfoot blade sit on the pocket end while the Spey blade sits on the cap end. The Clip blade is commonly used as a multi-purpose blade and preferred for detail work. The Sheepfoot blade allows for added strength at the point making it great for carving and achieving a clean cut. The Spey blade is great for light work. This knife is constructed with Case Tru-Sharp™ stainless steel which is a special high-carbon steel that helps the blades hold an edge longer than conventional steel. It also offers extraordinary blade strength and corrosion resistance. The nickel silver spacers on the handle add luster while a gift tin completes this presentation. Made in Bradford, PA, USA from domestic and imported materials.

  • Marke:Case Cutlery
    Klinge:Tru-Sharp Stainless
    Öffnungsmechanismus:Pocket clip
    Griff:Candy Corn Kirinite
    Gesamtlänge:15.7 cm
    Klingenlänge:6.52 cm
    Gewicht:115 g
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Taschenmesser Case Cutlery Smooth Candy Corn Kirinite | Medium Stockman