Feststehendes Messer Böker DBK Bushfriend 2000

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SKU: 12-1510
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €119,79
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Böker DBK Bushfriend 2000

The ergonomic handle made from sustainable Richlite, a premium composite made from resin and FSC-certified or recycled paper, which comes in a classy Black D finish on the DBK Bushfriend 2000, provides a comfortable feel in the hand at all times. Brass studs, the rear hollow stud of which can be used as a lanyard hole, create a harmonious contrast and make a visual statement. Supplied with a high-quality leather sheath. Handmade for nature mates - directly from the Boker Manufactory Solingen

  • Marke:Böker Plus
    Gesamtlänge:23 cm
    Klingenlänge:11 cm
    Klingenstärke:3.5 mm
    Gewicht:159 g
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Feststehendes Messer Böker DBK Bushfriend 2000