Feststehendes Messer Böker Arbolito | Newenche

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Buy Feststehendes Messer Böker Arbolito | Newenche
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SKU: 02BA-353G10
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €156,09
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Böker Arbolito|Newenche

The fixed blade knife with a powerful N695 blade and decorative ricasso is the ideal tool for outdoor, bushcraft and camping. The full tang construction and hand guard ensure maximum stability and a high level of work safety, while the black G10 handle scales on brown coloured liners provide a comfortable grip. Supplied with a lanyard hole and a high-quality leather sheath that can be conveniently attached to the belt. Handmade in the Boker Arbolito knife manufactory in Argentina.

From a passion for nature. Icy glaciers and burning hot lava gave rise to the impressive Boker Arbolito Newenche, which captures the endless expanses of Patagonia and fills the next adventure with a yearning.

  • Marke:Böker Plus
    Gesamtlänge:24.5 cm
    Klingenlänge:12.5 cm
    Klingenstärke:4 mm
    Gewicht:210 g
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Feststehendes Messer Böker Arbolito | Newenche