Taschenmesser Amare Coloso folding knife, coyote

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SKU: AMR201902
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EU Price with TAX 21% = €114,35
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Amare Coloso folding knife, coyote

The Coloso is the largest and newest folder of the Amare range. Comprising of a 100 mm long blade and 137 mm handle, the Coloso needs a strong hand to wield its awsome power. Finished with a cool black PVD coating this knife is an awsome beast.

  • Marke:Amare
    Klingenbeschichtung/ -oberfläche:PVD
    Klingenarretierung:Liner Lock
    Gesamtlänge:237 mm
    Klingenlänge:99 mm
    Länge geschl:138 mm
    Klingenstärke:4.1 mm
    Gewicht:239 g
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Taschenmesser Amare Coloso folding knife, coyote